
Monday, February 20, 2012

Parades: The Bean Parade!!!!

Two blog posts in one day... yup. It's a record.

But I had to write a second time today because I went to the Mardi Gras Bean parade, and really, I am not going to have a lot of time to write tomorrow.

The Bean Parade is a small local parade that marches through The Marigny (a small neighborhood just past the French Quarter). All costumes are made with or of beans. Remember we eat a lot of beans down here (as in red beans and rice). In a bit of a parade reversal, viewers throw rice at the parade, providing the "other" key ingredient.

The parade began with a bean car...

The parade's king-of-beans

Little Bean Peep

There is a tradition in New Orleans that small, localized parades are often political satires, and for over a hundred years, locals protest the parades' themes, providing opposing political satire---all done in good fun. We decided to watch the parade in this tradition, and prepared satiric protest signs to flash as the parade cavalcaded by...

Many locals showed up both to march and to watch.

Crawfish and child

Crawfish daddy

Athena and feline attendant

 Close-up of Athena's Medusa shield.

She takes her beans very seriously!

The Queen of Beans

Rice monster!!

The Treme Brass band, one of the best second line bands in the city, provided the music.

Blue bean

Tuba girls

Lauren and Brittany

Final bean costume...

From Mardi Gras in the Marigny, this is Kenny Klein explaining it all.

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